Trois Montagne

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Cool , totally secluded , great food ,lotsa small restaurants and the Locals are good people, International sailors and windsurfers abound who come to Windsurf and do speed trials at the canal.
The goofy Trans serving behind the town bar can be a little bit too much....but even he/she is alright.

Warmer Trois Montagne winds will commonly merge with the colder Mistral winds at this this point , the conditions of the two winds bashing into each other often cause fast temperature drops and lousy weather, but will produce a nice wind driven wave coming from the west with the Mistrals prodiucing a slight offshore from the North East.

The locals who surf there are very small in number , and there is one surf shop .

Locals are friendly , do try to speak French even if you can't

Additional Info:
St. Marie de La Mare is on the Mediteranean in the South of France just west of Marsseile , under a large area of Swampland in France called La Camargue.

Ths town is isolated as access to it is only one way in and one way out through the swamp highway that cuts right down the middle of the La Camargue .

Watch out for the Mosquitos ....and you will see Ibis wading in the waters at this beach break .

Shark are always present in the Med .


It's a beach break Next to the Harbor , Wind wave generated from Pyranee wind condition called Trois Montagne'

WalkInstant access (<5 min)
Public accessYes
4x4 requiredUnknown
Boat requiredUnknown
Wave Characteristics
TypeBeach break
DirectionRight and left
BottomSandy with rock
FrequencySometimes breaks (50 days/year)
Normal lengthNormal (50 to 150m)
Good day lengthNormal (50 to 150m)
Ideal Conditions
Wind directionUnknown
Swell directionUnknown
Swell size3ft-5ft - 8ft+
TideDon't know
Tide movementDon't know
WeekendFew surfers




Nearby spots
Palavas les Flots

24.95 miles away

Direction:Right and left
Frequency:Rarely breaks (5 days/year)