Zambezi River, Rapid 11

Edit Spot

Epic and if you in the area there are also some other not so good river waves depending on time of year again...

Local spot that few people from all over the world have had a chance to surf because of who they know or because they happened to be on a river trip that day with Serious Fun Riversurfing Company at the right time of the year...guides help drop you in and locals are super cool...Fred, Stanely, Salt, Tembo etc..

Additional Info:
River wave of the best perfection, works for about two weeks when the water level in Zambezi is dropping naturally.

Nature fresh water rare perfection!!!

Park car at top of gorge and walk down into river gorge...


Surf Safari in Africa, stay on the roads and paths as there are land mines around still and wild life!

WalkGood walk (15-30 min)
Public accessYes
4x4 requiredYes
Boat requiredNo
Wave Characteristics
TypeReef (rocky)
BottomFlat rocks
PowerHollow, Fast, Powerful, Fun, Ledgey
FrequencyRarely breaks (5 days/year)
Normal lengthExceptional (>500m)
Good day lengthExceptional (>500m)
Ideal Conditions
Wind directionDon't know
Swell directionDon't know
Swell sizeLess than 3ft - 6ft+
TideLow and mid tide
Tide movementRising and falling tides
WeekFew surfers
WeekendFew surfers

Rips / undertow, Rocks, Mines (Angola only !)

